Monday, July 17, 2006


Shoot, el presidente said "shit." I wonder where he learned such bad language? Listen, out of all the things that Americans should be concerned about...Noting the barrage of other slightly more worrisome things our president has done, him uttering the word "shit" is the least our worries. I would start worrying if he got taped on the mic saying something along the lines of: That's bull-fucking-shit, we gotta go over there and fuck some shit up. Hezbol...some bullshit, fuck it!

Hypothetically speaking of course, as sometimes the need to clarify is necessary.

That's what would worry me. Any "Party of God" that has an AK-47 on its flag/emblem scares me. But that's just me. Besides, Bush said it right, and I find that nothing shows more respect than proper pronunciation. Say it with me now kids, Hezbollah.

Besides, the word shit is a strong word. It's the All-American word. It's the football player that "won't take shit from anybody," it's the cowboy chopping down trees "watch out now, that shit is falling," and like it or not, it's our president saying he means business. As opposed to other times, when he's just shooting the shit.

I say get this shit off the news.

Bush shooting the shit with Bono

1 comment:

D. Rock said...

You obviously didn't expect Bush to offer the disturbing back-rub he startled the German Chancellor with, huh?
