Sunday, July 09, 2006

Can you kick it?

Boy, somebody in Berlin sure has a twisted sense of humor. Last Wednesday, Berlin police arrested cement soccer ball pranksters. I guess somebody wasn't happy with certain game results. While soccer fever hasn't hit the U.S. in the numbers that most would hope, cement-filled soccer balls might be the answer when dealing with unruly soccer practice kids. It might catch on. Those kids have no decency when it comes to caring for clothes. Do you realize how hard it is to get grass stains out of white uniforms? Tide all you want, but only bleach has that stain removing power to get rid of blood out of white socks.

All joking aside, how fucked up and generally malicious toward humanity does one have to be to invite people to kick cement-filled soccer balls? Only in Berlin apparently. Pranksters.


marine_explorer said...

The perps were Austrians btw, and agreed: kicking anything unknown is against better judgement, but I doubt many soccer fans were thinking that hard.

D. Rock said...

At least nobody headbutted it ...